Carbon Offset
Did you know that each month, every medium-sized car on Australian roads emits a third of its weight in carbon dioxide?
At DAILYBlooms, we take our environmental responsibility seriously, which is why we’re committed to making a difference. Through our partnership with Greenfleet, you can now choose to carbon offset every flower delivery purchased.
Greenfleet is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to connecting people with real climate action. Since 1997, Greenfleet have planted more than 9.2 million native trees across 475 bio-diverse forests in Australia and New Zealand to offset carbon emissions.
Our native forests take carbon from the atmosphere to restore and protect our climate, but they also do much more. Greenfleet plants a variety of native trees in permanent forests that help to reduce salinity and soil erosion, provide essential habitats for native wildlife, and provide much needed resilience in our precious landscape.
Want to learn more and take practical climate action? Visit