What does Mother’s Day mean to you?
Courtney: To me, Mother's Day means getting the family together, eating delicious food, sipping on Champagne, drinking cups of tea and sharing stories and laughs together. As the owner of a florist, I’m a little too busy wrapping up bouquets on Mother's Day, but my family are very flexible with timing so we usually celebrate the week after.
Bella: Mother's Day to me represents spending time celebrating with the important figures in my life.
How will you be celebrating Mother’s Day this year?
Courtney: We’ll be celebrating the week after Mother's Day with an afternoon tea, most likely at my mum's farm.
Bella: I'll be hard at work at Daily Blooms, and then dinner with my girls, followed by an early night in bed.

What’s the most challenging thing about motherhood?
Courtney: At the moment, I’m trying to find the right balance between giving my kids the freedom to find their own way and be themselves, whilst also keeping them close and very much under my wing.
Bella: Finding a good balance with all aspects of life, while keeping up with two little ones.
What’s the best advice you’ve been given by your mother or mother-figure?
Courtney: When I was growing up, both of my parents were aircrew and worked changing and inconsistent hours (often called onto trips at late notice). Because of this, our lives were pretty fluid and flexible with plans changing often. I grew up seeing how adaptable my mum was to changing plans and how situations often worked out better than planned because of it. I think my mum really instilled in me a sense of comfort in change and disruption, which has made it far easier for me to cope with running a business, motherhood and especially both together.
Bella: Always give it a go, you'll feel better after you do.
What’s your favourite thing about being a mother?
Courtney: When my kids hop in bed with me in the morning for a cuddle. It’s the best thing in the world!
Bella: Definitely the cuddles.

Can you share your fondest motherhood memory with us?
Courtney: We have this family tradition where we play dance tiggy after dinner (I think the game is from Bluey). As a family, we’ll crank the music and dance around the house whilst the person who is 'it' has to tag someone while dancing. You can't help but laugh and smile, and whilst I am there dancing my heart out hoping not to be caught, I can’t help but think how lucky I am.
Bella: It’s hard to pick one, but any time away with the family will always hold a special place in my heart and memories.
How would you describe motherhood in one sentence?
Courtney: All consuming.
Bella: A journey of struggles, wine and rewards.