Bekky Maguire | Blooming IRL

Bekky Maguire | Blooming IRL

By Rachel King

Bekky Maguire | Blooming IRL

Meet Bekky Maguire — Queen of soft pinks, dewy skincare & an aesthetic Instagram grid to make you say 'Ahhhhh'.
We chatted with Bekky about finding your personal style, balancing creative pursuits as a mum & much more!

As a self-confessed skincare girly, what is your AM & PM skincare routine?
Oh I love talking about my skincare routine!

Lately I’ve been focusing on hydrating and supporting my skin barrier as I’m on medication currently that’s causing me to have a lot of acne.
In the AM, I skip a cleanse and go straight in with my Emma Lewisham Blemish face serum. I layer the Rhode glazing milk on top and then my Fig.1 ceramide moisturiser. I finish it off with the Summer Friday SPF and Nudestix peptide lip butter.
For my PM, I do a lovely double cleanse. The oil cleanser from Bioderma is my holy grail! I pop on my LED face mask before layering on my Emma Lewisham serum again, my Fig.1 retinol and top it off with the same Fig.1 ceramide moisturiser.

What has the road to Digital Creator looked like for you?
I think it may surprise people that I’ve been posting online for over ten years! I grew up making short films and taking creative photos. After I graduated school I made a YouTube channel (2013 was peak YouTube times) hoping to meet like minded friends and have a bit of creative fun. Naturally I started sharing photos on instagram at the same time. I didn’t take my online presence seriously (I was just posting when I felt like it) until in 2020, when I became a mother for the first time. I was spending a lot of time at home alone (thanks to Covid!) so I started posting more frequently and slowly grew a little community of friends. I’ve been posting consistently since then, establishing my style and sharing more about my life. It’s now become a job and I feel so lucky that I’m able to do what I love while also taking care of my family.

Did you work on creating your own visual aesthetic or do dreamy soft pinks just speak to you?
I think I never focused on creating my own aesthetic, it just happened naturally. Colour really speaks to me! The more colour you see in my life (whether my clothes, my home or in my feed) usually relates to how happy and connected to my sense of self I am at the time. Pink is always going to be present as it’s my happy colour, I am really drawn to it.
Many years ago my instagram was only really in black and white (shocker right!). Then when I was a first time mum I was only really sharing very beige tones. Both those points of my life I felt like I wasn’t connected to who I am. So I think my aesthetic is just me sharing what my inner world looks like with you all.

Is there something in your career you have been focusing on or really honing in on of late?
Sharing and not overthinking! I create all the time but for the past few years I would let my anxiety and perfectionist self stop me from sharing. Now I just film, edit and post! I try not to overthink it and it seems to be working. I want to share more of who I am and share my other interests outside of beauty and skincare. Afterall I started posting all those years ago to meet friends and still to this day that’s who I’m creating for, my friends!

What is the best life advice you have ever been given?
I have no idea who told me this but I live by the classic “what will be, will be”. I feel like everything always works out perfectly in the end even when you can’t see how it will while you’re in the thick of it. Every hard time I’ve gone through in my life has been the reason I’ve gotten the best times. So I try to stay in the present and hope it all works out.

This or That
Pizza or Pasta — Pizza obviously!
Shower or Bath — Bath, I love them but I rarely get the time.
Serum or Night Cream — Serum, give me all the yummy ingredients that will make me wake up glowing!
Friends or Seinfeld — Friends!
Breakfast or Dinner — I used to say Breakfast but since meeting my husband (who is the best chef) I’d say Dinner!
Movie Night In or Big Night Out — Movie night in! I get sleepy past 9pm 

Follow Bekky @bekkymaguire


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