Hattie Nixon | Blooming IRL

Hattie Nixon | Blooming IRL

By Rachel King

Hattie Nixon | Blooming IRL

Brissy based, bloom loving, brightly coloured babe — Hattie Nixon sat down to chat with us about how she found her feet as a content creator, her long standing love of colour and how she stays inspired as a creative.

Describe yourself in three words?
1. Curious
2. Vibrant
3. Vivacious (check out that alliteration)

What do you do for work?
Last month, I became a full-time freelancer! I work as a content creator for fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands, and as a fashion stylist. Whether I'm conceptualising shoots, or collaborating with brands to showcase their products, I'm all about creating and building real connections through the magic of style and storytelling. I have had an obsession with beauty and fashion from an early age, where I stole from my mother’s beauty table and wardrobe, and my love for both has just evolved over time.


What do you love about living in Brisbane?
Honestly, I love how Brisbane has the city vibe without having the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities. It is becoming a city to be watched, and I love that I have lived here long enough to see that happen. Plus, it’s home! My whole family is here. I have been to so many cities around the world, but as Dorothy said “there really is no place like home”. Oh and the weather! Who can forget our beautiful weather?‌

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
To name a few; a journalist, a princess (of course) , a CEO (aka, the boss ;) ), a weatherwoman, or an MC. Let’s just say my parents didn’t dull my sparkle.

What does a day in the life of Hattie Nixon look like?
These days are a little different now that I have transitioned to full-time freelance. Most days I am either creating content for so many incredible brands, preparing for a fashion photoshoot but in my free time, I spend it reading (I am an avid reader), crafting (currently into beading!), staring at my mum’s two Dachshunds whom I adore, perfecting my latte art, and hunting for unique pieces in thrift stores.

When you have a creative block, how do you get yourself back to your creative flow place?
Great question! I go straight to books. I have so many fantastic fashion and art books that I have collected over the years, and I find just flicking through them or even through some old magazines, I can ignite my creative flow. Or, I scroll endlessly on Pinterest or Instagram to find some pieces of content that I love for some inspiration to get me out of my creative funk.‌

What is your favourite flower?
Tulips! I just get so happy whenever I see them around and would love to visit a Tulip Farm in Amsterdam one day.

Dreamiest colour combination?
Hot pink & chartreuse! Such an underrated colour combo!

What would be your pick if you were buying blooms for a gift? 
Peonies! One of the most beautiful flowers when blossomed.

What would be your pick if you were buying blooms for yourself?
A Dozen Mixed Tulips - hellooooo colour!

Find out more and follow Hattie here.


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