Our Hope Starlight Bouquet for The Starlight Children’s Foundation

Our Hope Starlight Bouquet for The Starlight Children’s Foundation

By Rachel King

Our Hope Starlight Bouquet for The Starlight Children’s Foundation
Blooms for good is back! We’re so proud to be supporting the Starlight Children’s Foundation with our Hope Starlight Bouquet
Starlight's mission is to help sick kids laugh again, bringing back the joy that’s essential to childhood. While doctors take care of a child’s medical treatment, Starlight is there with the happiness that helps kids and families get through the toughest times. They help all kids regardless of age, injury or illness because what happens in childhood lasts a lifetime.
Credit: Starlight Imagery

- Happiness helps sick kids feel more positive, confident and resilient
- Happiness helps sick kids cope with the pain of illness and treatment
- Happiness helps reduce fear, stress and anxiety

Credit: Starlight Imagery
 "Our work is underpinned by the World Health Organisation's model of Social Health - where improving mental and social wellbeing has a positive impact on overall physical health.
Starlight's programs are based on positive psychology principles which show that fun and happiness play a big role in enhancing wellbeing."
Starlight Foundation
Credit: Starlight Imagery
You can read some of the heartwarming stories from the Starlight Foundation that touched our hearts!

"Being seriously ill shouldn't mean missing out on the fun of childhood, especially when evidence shows happiness helps kids bounce back after going through tough times"

Louise Baxter, Starlight CEO


To support Starlight and to help them continue with their incredible programs, we’ve created the Hope Starlight Bouquet. Your contribution with this bouquet will help Starlight continue to offer their incredible programs – to bring laughter and joy to as many sick kids as possible across Australia. 
A sweet and colourful bundle of cheer which features Billy Buttons, Lisianthus, Rose, Dahlia, Veronica, Golden Rod and Viburum. Wrapped in our signature, fully compostable hessian wrap, the Hope Starlight Bouquet represents optimism.
For more information on Starlight please visit their website here where you can also make a further monetary donation.
Or to purchase a Hope Starlight Bouquet shop here.


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